Free Compound Interest Calculator is a desktop application brought to you by Free Math Calculator for calculating compound interest for your bank account. As you know the Compound interest is amount of money earned by interest itself. It means that for example if you have $10000 initial deposit and 20% interest per year then your balance will be $12000 at the end of the first year, $14400 at the end of the second year, and this will continue. Although its name is Compound calculator but it is actually two in one application. Because in addition to compound interest it also calculates your regular interest for your regular deposits. The app shows the results in a graph with separate colors for each result. This helps you to compare results for each year since the app can calculate the interest for the number of specified years. So it has a comparative manner for two alternative deposit plans. The second plan can be enabled and in this case two graphs will be side by side so it gives you a great perspective of your plans. You can specify frequency for initial deposit. The frequency can be Daily, Weekly and so on. Also, you can change the frequency for the compound deposit. You can change interest rate if you want to calculate the interest for different banks with different interest rates. Main features of Free Compound Interest Calculator are: